This is a cool cracked asphalt background I made for websites and stuff. I’m going to be using it in a website I am currently building…

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Posted by Sam Kressin in Design Work
This is a cool cracked asphalt background I made for websites and stuff. I’m going to be using it in a website I am currently building…
Posted by Sam Kressin in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Photos, Drawing and Illustration
Posted by Sam Kressin in Strength Monsters, Uncategorized
Posted by Sam Kressin in Comic Books, Strength Monsters, Uncategorized
The History of the Pro Wrestling Comic Book Association. Source: The History of the Pro Wrestling Comic Book Association
Posted by Sam Kressin in Design Work, Drawing and Illustration
Posted by Sam Kressin in Design Work, Strength Monsters
The final lettering… Not too long ago I posted this video here of myself finishing up the old school hand drawn and inking portion of this lettering I did based on 1940s Marvel Stories Fiction Pulp Magazine titles.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Design Work, Dim Mak
Another design piece I finished today. The skulls came from my original copy of The Human Body A Text Book of Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene by H. Newell Martin published in 1900. The font is known as Danzig 4p by Rob Villareal based on Danzig’s Danzig 4p album. Danzig’s original font is based on 1959’s The Giant Gila
Monster movie poster. The characters under “Total Dim Mak” read, “The Death Touch” according to Danzig these characters are Vehmic Runes from a secret majical alaphabet of Germanic origin. The “Caution” area is Futura a common font used for caution signs and notices. The red excitement box and yellow backgrounds are inspired by numerious 1960s Jack Kirby, Artie Simek, Fantastic Four
splash pages.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Comic Books, Design Work
This is some art I worked on today. As was the case with this piece a lot of times just putting together a design like this can take far more time than it takes to draw or color the actual art work. This piece was penciled, designed and colored by me inked by Josef Rubinstein. I can’t say much more about what this is banner is going to be used for or what it is going to be apart of yet but stay tuned as soon enough all will be revealed!