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North Shore Oahu Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Circa 2002

Posted by Sam Kressin in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Photos, Personal Journal

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Photo was taken on Oahu, Hawaii after the 2002 NAGA Hawaii State Championships. This was the first time a NAGA tournament was held in Hawaii and the first time a tournament in Hawaii would be hosted by an organization not affiliated with any of the local BJJ Schools. I am on the first row second from your left with the blue rash guard on.


2002 Hawaii State Jiu-Jitsu Championships Results

Posted by Sam Kressin in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

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Scroll Down to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu No GI Advanced. I am not posting this to try and make a claim that I am or was a great compeitior I have won and lost plenty of matches. I am making this post simply as additional documented proof that I have infact been doing this stuff and have been training in it all as long as I say I have.

This was a tough tournament just look who’s on these posted resultsĀ Ron Shiraki who today is one the few Relson Gracie’s Black Belts won the Heavy Weight Purple Belt Division. MMA Fighter from the early days Ron Jhun won the heavy weight no gi advanced division and MMA veteran Falaniko Vitale also won his weight class.