In this all true Documentary Xie Qing Ping a Dim Mak master demonstrates his death touch live and on camera.
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Posted by Sam Kressin in Dim Mak
Posted by Sam Kressin in Dim Mak, Martial Arts
In this all true Documentary Xie Qing Ping a Dim Mak master demonstrates his death touch live and on camera.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Worlds Deadliest
Illutration I did circa 2013 for my weekly long form comic strip Worlds Deadliest. You can check out the finished art work here.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Worlds Deadliest
Eagle Illustration I penciled Circa 2012. You can check out the full comic strip this illustration appeared in here. Some day I would like to re-ink this Eagle on a large canvas and paint flames coming off it.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Comic Books, Martial Arts, Uncategorized, Worlds Deadliest
Stumbled across this cool video today while doing more research for the collected print (and download) edition of Worlds Deadliest, Chapter 1; “Deathly Weapons.”
This video covers the Michael Echanis Style of Knife Throwing as it’s instructed in his 1978 classic; Knife Fighting, Knife Throwing for Combat
I’ve been working really hard to finished this first collected edition of my Martial Arts Web Comic Worlds Deadliest soon. The book will contain a number of never before published illustrations by myself, biographical essays on important martial artists and a number of additional articles and resources pertaining to martial arts even including some little known and obscure information about Dim Mak!
Hopefully the overall all the finished product will be the martial arts book you’ve always wanted to read that no one ever made.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Design Work, Dim Mak
Another design piece I finished today. The skulls came from my original copy of The Human Body A Text Book of Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene by H. Newell Martin published in 1900. The font is known as Danzig 4p by Rob Villareal based on Danzig’s Danzig 4p album. Danzig’s original font is based on 1959’s The Giant Gila
Monster movie poster. The characters under “Total Dim Mak” read, “The Death Touch” according to Danzig these characters are Vehmic Runes from a secret majical alaphabet of Germanic origin. The “Caution” area is Futura a common font used for caution signs and notices. The red excitement box and yellow backgrounds are inspired by numerious 1960s Jack Kirby, Artie Simek, Fantastic Four
splash pages.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Dim Mak
Posted by Sam Kressin in Dim Mak
This is a new article I wrote commenting on another article about Ten Dim Mak Secrets. What are these secrets and what do I think about these them? Visit my article here on Total Dim Mak Dot Com to find out.
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