Illustration I did circa 2014 for my martial arts comic book Words Deadliest you can check out the finished art here. I will bring this book back by the end of the year.
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Posted by Sam Kressin in Worlds Deadliest
Illustration I did circa 2014 for my martial arts comic book Words Deadliest you can check out the finished art here. I will bring this book back by the end of the year.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Catch Wrestling, Comic Books, Drawing and Illustration, Pencil Drawings, Worlds Deadliest
Illustration I did of the famous Catch Wrestling Hold Known As the Grovit circa 2012. As Jake Shannon gave testimony to here in his review of my Catch Wrestling Comic Book Strength Monsters I used to tell Billy about my ideas for comic books all the time.
Here’s the illustration in its entirety;
Posted by Sam Kressin in Comic Books, Pencil Drawings, Worlds Deadliest
Here is a sketch I did for my Worlds Deadliest strip circa 2014 I have not yet published the strip that goes with this illustration. Stay tunes as I will be bringing the comic strip back by the end of the year!
Posted by Sam Kressin in Pencil Drawings, Worlds Deadliest
These are some early concept illustrations I did for Worlds Deadliest Circa 2011. I hope to bring this comic book out of Hiatus by the end of the years. Currently I have several project I have to wrap up until I can bring Worlds Deadliest back but mark my words it will come back!
Posted by Sam Kressin in Vintage Martial Arts Advertisement, Worlds Deadliest
Yesterday I published the Vintage Martial Arts Mail Order advertisement to be come a Registered Black Belt and learn Aicondo. Todays post is an illustration I did circa 2014 in nod to the, “simultaneous side kick and punch while neck chopping and opponent” behind you illustration in the Aicondo advertisement. Men of Action is just one of examples of many hidden nods and tributes I’ve embedded with in my Worlds Deadliest Web Comic. Many of them will go unnoticed to the lay person but for the real martial arts historians there is much to be discovered within the series. You can read my martial arts webcomic Worlds Deadliest online for free starting with Chapter 1 here.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Martial Arts, Vintage Martial Arts Advertisement, Worlds Deadliest
Another classic mail order martial arts course that ran in comic books and men’s magazines nation wide. For only $6.95 Aicondo will turn you into a deadly fighting machine. It is a deadly self-defense system using the best of Karate, Kung-Fu, Judo and Aikido. If I can learn how to simultaneously punch and kicking the air while neck chopping an opponent behind me sign me up! I want to be a studly looking dude in a gi that can pose coolly while young women admire me! As great as the over the top ad copy in Aicondo is I love the illustrations in this ad the most. I’ve actually done original illustrations of my own in tribute to this advertisement in my Worlds Deadliest comic book. Check out Men of Action my nod to the simultaneous side kick punch neck chop double neck chop here. My nod to the guy standing in the gi with the admiring woman next him has not been published public yet. When I do publish it I will link to it here.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Comic Books, Drawing and Illustration, Worlds Deadliest
Illustrated by me circa 2014 for my Worlds Deadliest Webcomic which will return this year! You can check out the finished art work here.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Inked Drawings, Karate, Worlds Deadliest
A panel I illustrated circa 2013 for my matial arts web comic Worlds Deadliest. You can read this entire story arc here.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Worlds Deadliest
The crest of the Five Dragons Fighting Society. A secret organization of Death Masters. You can learn more about the Five Dragons Fighting Society in my Webcomic Worlds Deadliest.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Worlds Deadliest
This classic advertisement for Joe Weider’s Destructive Self Defense mail order martial arts course once ran in comic books and mens magazines all across the country. Make sure you check out the illustration I did with comic book inking legend Joe Rubinstein back in 2012 inspired by this classic Martial Arts Mail Order Course here.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Acupuncture, Worlds Deadliest
Artist Kiyoshi Nakazawa did this awesome Sun Si Miao illustration to go along with an article I wrote earlier this year for Worlds Deadliest titled: Demonic acupuncture And The Thirteen Ghost Points.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Karate
Meme I made Circa 2012 featuring one of my favorite scenes from the Karate Kid.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Worlds Deadliest
Illutration I did circa 2013 for my weekly long form comic strip Worlds Deadliest. You can check out the finished art work here.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Worlds Deadliest
Eagle Illustration I penciled Circa 2012. You can check out the full comic strip this illustration appeared in here. Some day I would like to re-ink this Eagle on a large canvas and paint flames coming off it.
Posted by Sam Kressin in 100 Days of Making Comics
Here’s the work I finished today;
Posted by Sam Kressin in Comic Books, Martial Arts, Uncategorized, Worlds Deadliest
Stumbled across this cool video today while doing more research for the collected print (and download) edition of Worlds Deadliest, Chapter 1; “Deathly Weapons.”
This video covers the Michael Echanis Style of Knife Throwing as it’s instructed in his 1978 classic; Knife Fighting, Knife Throwing for Combat
I’ve been working really hard to finished this first collected edition of my Martial Arts Web Comic Worlds Deadliest soon. The book will contain a number of never before published illustrations by myself, biographical essays on important martial artists and a number of additional articles and resources pertaining to martial arts even including some little known and obscure information about Dim Mak!
Hopefully the overall all the finished product will be the martial arts book you’ve always wanted to read that no one ever made.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Drawing and Illustration, Pencil Drawings, Worlds Deadliest
I drew this single arm hand stand over a toilet today. Worlds Deadliest will be back soon and with a VENGANCE!
Posted by Sam Kressin in Drawing and Illustration, Inked Drawings, Worlds Deadliest
I penciled this illustration yesterday and was able to ink it today. I’ll probably make one more revision of this drawing later on stay tuned to see what becomes of this guy.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Worlds Deadliest
"A great comic with stunning artwork, visuals, and a great story!"
Posted by Sam Kressin in Worlds Deadliest
Posted by Sam Kressin in Worlds Deadliest
Posted by Sam Kressin in Worlds Deadliest