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Drawing Pretty Girls Day 46

Posted by Sam Kressin in Drawing Pretty Girls

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This is the final illustration study from the “Pretty Girls In Action” section of Lesson 7 Drawing Pretty Girls of the Famous Artist Cartoon Course. Stay tuned there are only two remaining section left for me to do master studies of until I have completed the course.

Drawing Pretty Girls Day 5

Posted by Sam Kressin in Drawing and Illustration, Drawing Pretty Girls, Pencil Drawings, Uncategorized

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Read  Day 1 Here, Day 2 Here, Day 3 Here, Day 4 Here

Today we learn about the “Four essential parts to a sexy girl” according to the Famous Artist Cartoon Course Lesson 7. Below is the drawing I did from this lesson. It is a free hand recreation of the illustration by Joe King. Each one the four circles in the drawing are suppose to be one of the “four essential parts.” They are listed in the course as 1. The Face 2. The Breasts 3. The Hips and 4. The Legs.


Drawing Pretty Girls Day 3

Posted by Sam Kressin in Drawing and Illustration, Drawing Pretty Girls, Pencil Drawings, Personal Journal, Sketch Book

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Read Drawing Pretty Girls Day 1 Here, Day 2 Here

To improve in my ability to draw women I am working through lesson 10 of the Famous Artist Cartoon Course circa the late 1940s “Drawing Pretty Girls.”

Still working through the second page of the lesson. There is a black and white photograph of a Nude Woman. For todays exericse I did a free hand pencils study of the of the photograph as close to the actual photo as I could.


Drawing Pretty Girls Day 1

Posted by Sam Kressin in Drawing and Illustration, Drawing Pretty Girls, Pencil Drawings, Personal Journal

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One of my biggest weakness in Illustration is in drawing Women. There’s a lot of reasons for this. One major issue being when I was younger I was too embarrassed to draw women. I thought if I drew the female figure people would judge me as being a pervert. Today however as an adult I am not embarrassed and don’t care if people judge me. I have therefore decided to make a serious study to improve my abilities in this area. The famous saying goes; An artist that can draw beautiful women never goes hungry.

To get started on this endeavor I have decided to work through the classic Famous Artist Cartoon Course Lesson 7 Pretty Girls by commercial Cartoonist Joe King. The original famous artists correspondence courses were founded in the late 1940s by Norman Rockwell and  Albert Dorn. I believe the original course consisted of 10 lessons with an addtional 14 lessons add at a later time. Each lesson was then to be completed by the student and sent in for critique by a professional. Today the courses are still under copy right by Cortina Learning International and available for purchase at the famous artist school website here.

The first page of the course begins with a half page type written introduction to drawing “the pretty girl.”

Here are some of the funnier quotes;

The pretty girl, the dame, the frail, the tomato, the cookie, the cutie is always welcome in a cartoon no matter how grotesque the rest of the characters may be.

In drawing a pretty girl, don’t be too skimpy with the bust or the thigh line. These can be accentuated without giving the drawing any suggestion of vulgarity.

Probably the best piece of advice given in this first part of the lesson is;

One well-known cartoonist who always said he couldn’t draw sexy or pretty girls became on of the top girl artist in the business simply by drawing one complete figure from pencil to ink each day for one year.

Here is my drawing from this first page. It is a free hand pencil drawing recreation I did of the original inked illustration by Joe King.
