Last week I posted this short entry about Jim Aparo’s Batman which lead into a nice discussion on the 1990s Batman: Knightfall
Series of which I had to admit I had never read in its entirety. After reading Scott VanHorne’s words;
I got into Knightfall literally like 3 issues before it happened. I’d just finally emerged from my Chris Claremont X-Men phase.
It was something amazing to see unfold month after month. No more rote and weird Batman stories. Finally….something was HAPPENING to him that was shaking up the status quo.
Each issue after combatting the Arkham escapees, he’d get more beat up, more tired, and you could see Batman was heading into the most dangerous confrontation of his entire career.
By the time Bane showed up in the Bat-cave and laid down the challenge, and Batman said (In a panel drawn by Jim Aparo)
“Not on the best day you ever had…” As he replaced the cowl over his unshaven face….
Dude……that shit was 100x more heavy than the scene in TDKR
I was strongly compelled to order Volume 1
which weights in at 630 pages! Well I’m already over 100 pages deep into this and all I can say so far is awesome!