A Cool Pic of the Illustration I did for the Arm Bar Soap Company. You can order a Bar of this AntiFungal Antibacterial soap here; (It comes in the box I illustrated); https://armbarsoap.com/collections/soap/products/the-absolute-batch
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Posted by Sam Kressin in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Martial Arts, Training Journal
Posted by Sam Kressin in Karate
Executing a double front jump kick circa 1994 testing for my 2nd Dan in the Moo Duk Kwan Style of Tang Soo Do.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Boxing
This is a behind the scenes look at a promotional video I was in with Brian Cowell of SwiftKick Martial Arts and Scott Walker Make sure you check it out! I’m proud of this footage because I feel it displays a lot of the martial arts and martial arts techniques I have worked very hard on over a number of years.