A Cool Pic of the Illustration I did for the Arm Bar Soap Company. You can order a Bar of this AntiFungal Antibacterial soap here; (It comes in the box I illustrated); https://armbarsoap.com/collections/soap/products/the-absolute-batch
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Posted by Sam Kressin in Comic Books, Drawing and Illustration, Inked Drawings
It was an honor to be able to participate in this years Annual Joe Sinnott Ink Well Challenge. Pictured below is the legend himself Joe Sinnott after signing this years pages. The circled page is mine.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Drawing and Illustration, Inked Drawings, My Inks over My Pencils, Strength Monsters, Uncategorized
The inked hand lettered Cover Title I did for my Kickstarter Funded Comic Book Strength Monsters in “Ultra-Mayhem!”
Source: Cover Title Lettering Inked
Posted by Sam Kressin in Drawing and Illustration, Inked Drawings
Posted by Sam Kressin in Inked Drawings, Karate, Worlds Deadliest
A panel I illustrated circa 2013 for my matial arts web comic Worlds Deadliest. You can read this entire story arc here.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Comic Books, Design Work, Drawing and Illustration, Inked Drawings, My Inks over My Pencils
I have been posting my progress on this Al Feldstein, Weird Fantasy inspired Spaceman piece I started two days ago for Your Web Designer. You can see my rough sketch here, and my tighten up pencil drawing here. Today I completed the piece. I inked him traditionally with a Raphael Kolinsky Sable – Fine Point Round – Size 3 brush and a Hunts 108 Nib the coloring was done digitally on the computer. I choose to use the Raphael brush as I just wasn’t getting the sharp line I wanted out of my normal Winsor & Newton Series 7
#3 brush.
Posted by Sam Kressin in Comic Books, Drawing and Illustration, Inked Drawings
I recently finished inking this Bane Penciled by Greg Capullo. I usually spend 25-30 minutes everyday inking over some else’s work I respect and admire. I do this as an exerices to improve my own skills in Drawing and in using my brush. This piece was 100% inked with a #3 Windsor Newton Series Seven Brush. Check out Greg’s original pencils below.
If you are unfamilar with Capullo’s work I strongly recommend checking out;Batman: The Court of Owls this is a fantastic Batman Story with amazing visuals. I prefer the unwrapped edition because you can study Greg’s raw pencils. Aside from his acclaimed work on Batman He’s also known for having drawn the longest runs on Spawn which I believe spans over 70+ issues.
It’s also well worth listening to these fantastic Fatman on Batman interviews with Greg;
Posted by Sam Kressin in Drawing and Illustration, Inked Drawings, Worlds Deadliest
I penciled this illustration yesterday and was able to ink it today. I’ll probably make one more revision of this drawing later on stay tuned to see what becomes of this guy.